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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 看大家又是说吃又是说玩,生活的很滋润呀。哪象别人说的那样为找工作所累呀,都什么的干活?多长时间了在那里?
    • 每个人的情况都不同,你过的好不好只有等你来了再说!
    • I think many people still have a rather long difficult period when job searching or being as labour hand. They must shy to say this or complain their bitterness here.
      And the other who already found a job can post any things here without hesitation. That is why you see so many FB here, I suppose. In fact I really hope every one could have equal opportunities to post their feelings and experience for what we are doing. Hope few tough people could understand, as labour is not shame-making, no mattter the aim is the development in future or surviveship at that moment here in Canada.
      • 你的猜测大错特错。经常 FB 的朋友中,有很多还没有工作,或者在做 Labour。我们都没有把这当成什么可耻的事情。我们为自己骄傲、自豪。困难是暂时的,成功一定会到来。为什么要愁眉苦脸呢?
        • And so many friends found their professional jobs in the period when they took part in FB events. Have a good mood and good luck will come soon.
          • However, I still regard the Rolia FB as only a part of one's network, not all of it. For the purpose of job hunting, a network should not restricted within a Chinese community.
            • Totally agree with you.
        • Correct. David (LoveBeer) even share his Labour experiences with us. And Yellow, too.