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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有谁知道加拿大的“麦当劳”怎么样?
    我曾在中国第一家McDonal's(深圳东门)做过经理,从manager trainee 到second asistant manager工作了4年,考过skill VI(一共有10级)并有BasicOperationCourses(BOC),BasicManagementCourses(BMC),IntermediateOperationCourses(IOC) 证书,因为怕一时找不到其他工作,又对加拿大麦当劳不了解,所以想问问那里情况,如果麦当劳不太可能进,我就不带一大堆麦当劳的资料了(大约占了半个立方)
    • 请问哪位知情的好心人帮帮忙,告诉我一下,因为我正在收拾要带的东西,这些资料如果将来用不上,我就不打算带来,谢谢!
      • 上网查查麦当劳,然后给它发resume
        • 英文的就带上,即便现在不用,以后说不定还能拍上用处。中文的就免了
    • 当然有用啦,不是谁都能有这些证书的!不过不明白怎么会有半个立方的资料?一米长一米宽,要堆半米高,太恐怖了!//想当初,上大学的时候,我申请麦当劳工作,失败,从此只吃KFC。
      • 是说的夸张了些,不过单就4本“management development program”训练册,每本都不比精装“辞海”要小。
    • 肯定有用的. 北美的麦当劳隔几个街口就一家, 遍地开花
    • if you want to get job in McDonald, It is easy. but the wage is lower. I think the manager`s salary is $9.00/hrs.
      • Precisely speaking, each restaurant only has one manager who salary is about $40000/year. The wage you mentioned is for those assistants and swing managers who function as supervisors.
        • you are right .
      • I'm quite sure "Heart" even served in McDonald's, right? I have no concept of the wage in Mc., How much does "$9/H" equal to in China?--Is that too low? In China,
        swing Mgr in not monthly payed(about 6-7RMB per Hour), Mgr Trainee --2100/month, 2nd Mgr--about 3000( according to number fo years u served), 1st Mgr--about 4000(also deponds), Store Mgr--above 5000, Consaultant--arround 10000/month.
        Toally they have 14month salary per year.
    • 两个多月前,M曾经被吃出过半个老鼠头。现在正等有经验的人加强管理呢。快来!