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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / :各位,请问国内的收音机在加拿大可以用吗?
    • 当然可以了!
    • for me, it's more useful than TV. So, bring one to Canada.
    • 试试看你的调频能不能调出97.3Mhz, 或者调幅680Khz, 如果能, 带过来, 如果不能, 不要带. (我是指手工设置频率, 不是要你听到广播)
      • 当然可以了,我们的收音机都是最少调频88-108兆赫兹,调幅550-1605千赫兹,绝对可以用,我用过的。
        • 好详是有一点不同, 北京的EASY ROCK频率是97.4Mhz, 多伦多是97.3Mhz. 中国的无线电频率体制是调频按0.1Mhz调节, 北美是按0.15Mhz调节. 有些汽车的收音机拿到大陆就调不准电台. 最好查一查自己的收音机是否全球制式, 怎样切换制式.
          • First if the radio use Capacitor tune, it will be no problem. If it use digital tune, the frequency occupation bandwith of a channel should be wider than 0.05MHz. Am I right?
            • I don't see a contradiction here. 0.1 and 0.15 Mhz is bigger than 0.05Mhz.
              I think the guest is right. If you can tune it at exactly 97.3Mhz FM then you don't have a problem, if you can't you may still be able to hear it in Canada but it will be noisy (digital tune only.)

              I have an AIWA walkman which is universal so I switched the radio system to the north America system. It works fine.

              But my brother was not lucky. One of his friend bought him a car radio from the states as a present. The radio just could not tune the 97.4 Mhz FM in BJ (it could, any way, be at either 97.3 or 94.5.) And there was no manual so he had to give it up.

              For the analog tuning radios I don't see a problem although I don't think a lot people are using it nowadays.

              BTW, the radio here is not expensive.

              If It is too much a trouble to find it out it makes sense to give it to your family as a present before leaving China.
              • Thank you for your detailed explanition. I am old fashioned to still use capacitor tune, I have a very small radio of SONY without speaker (L6H1W3CM), AM/FM cost 400RMB. ^_^
    • Thanks a lot for all of your kindly help,i got it!
      • 不要带液晶显示屏的,中国的跟这里的不一样,带一般手动调的