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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我五日到vancouver登陆,想先到个小镇待三个月。请各位高人指点指点。那个地方较好,最好在O省,将来换地方方便.
    • Ontario is east to Vancouver, if you fly east to Canada from China, hehe.
    • Hi, are you really Chengdu Boy? Your nickname reminds me my home city.
      Would you please tell me why you want to stay in small town?
      • i want to improve my english, and i think stay at a town, my be can more quick family with canada. by the way, i come from chengdu. did you too?
        • it really depends. If ur english is good enough, u can land into the small town like i'm living now. otherwise how can u improve ur eng while u couldn't understand anthing people're talking about.
          and also there're a lot of things inconvenient for new immi to living in a small town

          so i dont' recommand you moving into a small town now.

          but if u do want, u can contact me, i'm living in brantford now, 100km west of toronto.
          • please receive the email! thank your help
        • Exactly.
          In my point of view, the most important thing for improving English is yourself instead of the environment. You can find a lot of free ESL or LINK classes in big city. Also it's better for you to get more information and get to know friends in big city. Vacouver is a nice place to live as well as study. The consuming level is lower than Toronto. If you want to go to university, you can choose McGill, which is one of the best universities in Canada.
          • I just want to pass the TOEFL and GRE in 3month, so chose a town, the spend is a litter, and i have to be talking in english. I know the most only myself, but better enviroment and litter expend shoud be more better
            • 新东方的宿舍楼应该是最佳的small town了。我觉得要考试的话
      • 还是少想些吧,这儿才发生了命案,停业装修(理由不错),现在热舞会所发了。