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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 已申请EI,请问怎样回答第一次电话中的问题:Have you attented trainging course within this two weeks period? 我已参加newconcept培训, 一周3小时。是否会影响将来的EI 和报税?谢谢各位!
    • 不提也罢。他们最高兴你一天24小时都在找工作了。
    • Come in
      If this course fully funded by HRDC and related to job searching skills such as workshop etc., you only answer "NO". Otherwise you should answer "YES". After answering "YES", following question will be "How many hours did you attend your training course from xx to xx (first week within these two weeks)?", you press "03", should be OK. And then ask second week training hours....
      • Then, will this affact getting EI? Can one still get EI where taking the course for only 3 hours a week?
        • No any affection for your EI if your training hours are less than or equal to 10 hours a week.
          • 谢谢。是否以后可以申请报销我的学费。
            • I don't understand what your meaning is. Where do you pay back your tuition from?
              • I mean if my tuition can be paid back from the EI organization.
                • I guess you are hopeless. If you want HRDC to pay your tution, you need to get approval from your consultor first and then you can take some courses related to your job skills. This is a long way process.
                  • IC. Thank you, huayu.
    • 听说在拿EI其间, HRDC可以提供培训学费,请问这些学费都包括那些,怎样申请?多谢各位。
      • 要让HR相信你经过一段时间努力找工作未果,然后经你申请他们批准,在此当中可能他们主观判断的因素会占一些影响。
        • 终于找到有关我想了解的问题,请问能否提供有关网站或其他信息,我很想在拿EI 期间学点东西,同时得到政府补助。谢谢!