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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 有没有人对RFP有兴趣?既然找工作这么困难,为什么大家不团结一下,一起看看能不能接一些项目做做呢?
    • what is RFP?
      • Remote FB Protocol
        • //KICK.. RFP stands for request for proposal
          • 还是不明白?!
            • about rfp
              RFP就是有人需要做一个项目, 然后会把要求post到一些地方, 现在网上就可以查到一些. 之后, 我们需要写一个计划书(proposal), 然后给一个估价, 如果被选中了, 大家就可以一起做这个项目了. 所以是self-employeed...:P 不过大部分RFP都是在美国的, 有可能需要美国有公司注册, 解决办法我倒是有, 如果有兴趣的, 回头我们email联系. 最主要的事开始需要有会写proposal的人..:) 我想编程的人大把的是.
              • 极有兴趣!!!
              • 我会写PROPOSAL,我在国内就专干这个。但用ENGLISH可能水平差点。
                • that's not a problem, i have been in the states for almost 5 years, we could definitely work around this small issue. btw, what's ur email address? i will send u email if u want to discuss further details.
                  • I am still in China and plan to land Toronto in July. I have worked for this job for about 5 years and very similar with IBM HW , SW and solutions. you can sent email to lynneqiu@hotmail.com
              • 不错啊,到了加后大伙一起合作如何?我就写Codes吧。说不定又一个Yahoo就在萌芽中。
              • RU FENG, honestly speaking, I am very interested at that.
                I have same idea, but I can not find the web site for RFT. Could you tell me where I can search it? From Yahoo or excite or other search site? Before the artical, I didnot try to search it. Hope your suggestion.

                In china, I am team leader of 5 members. I can know how to write a proposal in Chinese style. What if in Canada Style? I should learn more.

                Look forward to hearing from you soon

                My email address is walkaloneca@yahoo.ca
          • Can you explain it in detail. I am really interested in it.
            • he is calling his mom now:)
          • Can you explain it in detail? I am really interested in it.
            • i sent u email, but it didn't get through. please tell me which email address i should send u email to. thanks.
          • Very GOOD idea, even somebody has a job now, it's not stable, let's try to make another Yahoo.
    • 我知道印度人热衷于此
      • 你也是夜猫子阿!!!
        • 我更愿做百灵鸟
          • I 服了 U!!!!! sohu正在文字直播中印世界杯外围赛... ...
    • 建议对此事感兴趣的朋友组织起来,大家开个论坛或PARTY,详细研究!!!
    • I have some experience about write proposal in china, so let's discuss it .