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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 以前听说加拿大的学校有LP的和国际学生差别很大,但查了半天学校的网页,也就看出学费的差别,请问录取有区别吗?是不是有LP会容易很多?????谢谢!
    • the academic requirments are all the same.
    • some school do have same tuition for domestic students and internationals students. the requirements are same for with either class. if you apply as PR, you are competing with canadians because schools usually keep a stable ratio of foreign students.
      • So it would be easy for LP holders. Thanks.
        • only from aspect of money.
          • but if they keep the ratio of foreign student, we may have better chance. Is that right?
            • There are many many more local applicants, who immigrated from all over the world, in these two years than before. I can't see the chance is higher.