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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 请教! 1. 电脑分了C,D两个逻辑区, 能改成一个而不丢失数据和重装? 2. WINDOWS和OFFICE软件安装时输入的用户名字可以该吗?
    • 饺子,如果你有其它硬盘或着可以备份的东西,把你现有有用东西备份,还是可以的。从新格式化硬盘,再重新装所有系统和软件,然后把你备份拷进去。我觉得只能这样。用户名,你是说已经装好了以后想改是吗?
    • "用户名“重新装时候可以随便改,但是已经装好了再改,好象不行,也没这个必要吧?
      • 谢谢小猪, 我就是懒, 不想重新格式化, 没别的办法吗? 我用的机器以前是别人的. 发传真或WORD文件, 都有他人的名字在上面. 想改, 不知道能否? 重装了OFFICE, 好象没改过来, 不知道为什么? 苦恼..
        • 不格式化是没办法的。不过word里边,tools-option-user information里边可以该用户信息的,你试试。
    • Come in, 饺子.
      1. I know there are some kind of tools that can do this job for you, but it's not 100% guranteed. And, it's no need for you to do this if your computer works fine. Only a tip: To keep your computer in sharp, be sure that the disk with OS on it has at least 100M free space.

      2. You can change the username of office. Just go to Tools-->Options and select the "User Information" tab.
      • Thanks bloor and xiaozhu, I have changed the user information. The problem is they installed all windows and program fils in disk D, which only has 2G, so disk D is full very quickly, but I have space in C. Any solution?
    • Patition Magic可以满足你
      • Could you give me more details? Thanks!
        • I suggest use Drive Image to backup your partitions first. (Can backup to CDs). Than use Partition Magic to re-partition your HD. PM is a very powerful tool.
          • where can I get it?? 格拉其!
            • If you don't want to buy it, try to find it in some warez sites, like www.warez.com. Good luck
              • 国内也有一个不错的,不过最近正在调整,不知道能不能正常访问: www.km169.com
    • 修改注册表可以更改98里面的用户信息。 因为用的是2000,没办法详细说,抱歉。
    • norton中有类似的软件,移动已经安装的软件,pqmagic可以无损移动,可以试一试
      • 弄错了,是www.km169.net
        • It's a good site. Thanx
          • 建议你下载整个网站,刻盘也行.不错的