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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问过来人有无携港元入境的?
    • 携荷兰盾也没关系,问题是你担心什么。
      • Dont bring HK dollar to Ca. You will get no way to store it except in the deposit box.I got some sleeping in TD bank. Even in HSBC, the clerk told me not to put HK dollar in the bank, coz you cannot get HK dollar back.
        • 是说干脆取不出来还是只能以美元或加元取出如果是后者应该可以的呀.
          • You can only get US or Ca $. I suggest you put it in bank in HK or if you bring here put it in box.
            • thank for your kind answer, I'm still wonder why not take HK dollar as you say.
        • That means I should change my hk dollars into Cad or Usd in China?