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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 饺子的奉献之六--从BUSINESS角度看CAREER PLANNING
    • Good article!
      • hehe, finally i got to know your LG is pasta.
      • xxx
    • 更正: 是SWOT不是SWOP
    • 好文章,不过看了三次才看完.因为总是在后来,有关rolia的所有IE窗口在硬盘一通响后都关闭了~~~~其他IE窗口没问题.我的机器配置很好的,不知道这问题是怎么回事?站长?
      • Sorry, I have no idea. If you click the "close window" link, suppose only the current window is closed.
        • I think his IE crashed.
    • Very good.
    • 来了两年多了,卖了几次,前两次不值钱,这次太便宜,是时候重新包装一下了,准备卖一个好价钱。多谢饺子点灯
      • 下一篇写SALARY NEGOCIATION. 看能不能卖个好价格. 总体来说, 按技术水平, 很多中国程序员绝对是UNDERPAID, 但另外的角度, 缺乏COMMUNICATION的能力, 又不能叫UNDERPAID
        • Canadian people are smart. They created a "fair" society
        • 更正, 是帮你卖个好价钱, 不是文章卖个好价钱, 在这里, 堵漏洞的可不少, 还是自己先来更正吧. HEHE..
        • Yes. Communication skill is the most important. I 'd like to suggest every friend to take some courses to improve english skills. You will get benifits late or sooner
          • where, do you have some suggestion? thanks
            • There are tons of ESL courses at any College around you. I take ESL at Seneca
    • 饺子学过营销吧,swop analysis 都知道 ...
    • great ! 我赞赏饺子的总结: 我相信运气, 但我不靠运气. 没有不景气的市场, 只有不景气的经营. 没有做不到的, 只有想不到的.
      • see your message #
      • 哇! 祝伟翰发, 发, 发, 发,发, 几个了?
    • 不错,很有鼓动性,呵呵,或曰煽动性 :)
    • 不错,不错。
    • 那你到底得到啦什么offer?
    • 好文章!人这个产品不同于其它产品,在推销的过程中免不了动感情,但人有理智。俗话说“谋事在人,成事在天”,尽全力而已。
    • 饺子分析的很有道理啊,俺也是这么想这么作过来的,不过比较偷懒,到从来没有信心 不足过!
    • good points, buddy, I do think, this "work "can be with you as long as you keep working as an employee.
        • Yeah, man, still be with Nortel in Vancouver, on the CDMA project of BEll Mobility. youself? keep cool, catch you later.