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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问各位前辈:0) 如果被拒签,Landing paper 收据有何作用?怎样用? 我的代理没有把Landing paper 收据寄给我,只给了复印件。 我怕被他们玩了!
    • 你已经被骗了吧?按我的理解,langding paper 就是签证了.你不能指望拿个复印件进加拿大啊?
    • There is a bar code on the receipt. If you are rejected, you can get the landing fee back(is that CND$975?). If you didn't get it, use the receipt to ask for it.
      • 问的有点奇怪,如果有了LANDING PAPER何来拒签?是不是问LANDING FEE收据?如果不过的话,申请费是不退的,但是登陆费可以退
      • Thank you very much,hailstorm.It is landing fee receipt I asked,not Landing paper. Could you tell me It is a different bar code on the landing fee receipt,not the same as in other letter ?
    • Excuse me,everybody,It is landing Fee receipt,Not Landing Paper .I think I am nearly mad in waiting.
    • 各位前辈:真对不起,我把 Landing Fee 打成 Landing Paper 了。 我想我等LP快等疯了。
      • 呵呵,同情!