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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 退回Landing Paper?
    • getting married after landing is better.
      sin card is nationwide ID, usually costs 2 weeks to get it, but you can phone them and get the number after 4 or 5 days. you can stay outside of Canada for no more than 183 days.

      you should refer to application kit for how long such process takes and where to apply.

      sooner or later you need to read the application kit carefully, so why not do it now, then ask questions. This can help you get correct answers in a much better and faster way.
      • first of all. i would like to thank you very much, this net web works really well, i did not immagine that i could get the answer so quickly, i am looking forward to more about this and making more friends here. and once again, thank you very much.