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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 刚入住apt,就收到一封来自Hamilton Hydro Inc的信,信的内容见内,请教是怎么回事?
    According to our records an application for the continuation of the electric service has not been completed. An application id required by 2001-6-11 as the service is subject to interruption. In this event a charge will be added for reconnection of the service.

    • 好像说要断你的电,而且以后要重开的话,还要另收开通费。抢钱啊!
    • 自己交电费是肯定的啦,但是首先你要续约,继续使用人家提供的电。应该是6月11日以前续约免费,如果等人家停了你的电以后再去重新开通就需要额外的银子啦。
    • Have u called the electricity company to start billing u? If not, DO IT NOW! Otherwise, u may end up be responsible for the previous tenant. Tell them that u just moved in, and u r NOT responsible for what happened before u moved in.
      • 多谢各位。我刚才打电话,说已经下班。只好明天再打。我既然没有申请这个电服务,怎么信上已经有了一个Accoumt number了呢,是不是以前住这的住户的number?我刚去网站上看了,说每户只有唯一一个account呀。
        • Yes, but it doesn't mean that u will use the same account with the previous tenant. It means there will be no two accounts for the same household at the same time.
          • 不管怎么说,最好还是打个电话去问清楚。