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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问雅思阅读4.5,平均5.5分,是否一定没有免面试的可能了
    • As I know ,yes.I mean you can be waived from interview as one of my friends.
      • 也不一定.我的一位朋友5,27IELTS,平均6,但阅读只有4,机械工程师,免面试.
    • my IELTS scors is L 5.0,S 5.0,R 4.5,W 5.0.I have been free from interview.
      • you are very luck,can get interview waiver in your score is not high
        • thank you for your approve,maybe I have 13 years working time and to be very nice to the other people.