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  • 工作学习 / English / 练听力时,第 一遍总是云里雾里的,非得听第二遍不可,即使材料不难也是这样,该怎么办?
    • that's common for everybody.
      • But during the exam, we cannot ask the office to play it once again. Could you please advise me how to overcome this difficulity? I will take part in the exam in November. Time is pressing.
        • I think your situation belongs to "pyschology barrier" you have set by yourself. For example, firstly you assume you cannot catch the sentence, then the case really occurs. The solution should be self-confidence. It's a trifle but it takes effective.
          Why not try? Don't worry, I have encounter the same difficulties
        • although everybody has different talent on language ability, the one and only solution is: practice, practice, and practice. be confident and good luck.
    • listening result is useless. my listening score is 0 (i didn't answer any question during the listening exam.) but i have got interview waiver.
      • you cannot apply your case to everybody. who knows what could happen.
      • it's never a waste to learn more.