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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / CIBC银行北京代表处,建国门外,老国际俱乐部201,Tel:65323164 据说只能开户,不能存钱。 能否请在北京的朋友打个电话核实一下?
    • I opened my CIBC account in its Beijing branch before coming to Toronto. Money transfer is accepted but no cash transaction.
      • Thank you, Old Horse!
        I got your telephone message last night, thank you very much for your kind and your info!

        The info about CIBC was from another website, I picked it and thought it would be helpful to our friends, but that hasn't been verified. So I posted it and asked for verification. I myself don't need to use CIBC's service in China.
    • 我打电话过去,CIBC说必须通过中行电汇才可开户。又问中行,说3%手续费外加150电报费,每天不得汇多于2000美金。