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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 现在的CS硕士的竞争到底激烈到什么程度?
    我的移民已成定局,希望能够在多伦多附近的较好大学读个硕士(虽然我已经有一个). 现在的CS硕士的竞争到底激烈到什么程度,也就是T/G/GPA到了何种水平?
    • was ur undergraduate major CS? do u have good recommendation letters? is ur undergraduate gpa above 85%? ............
      • My undergraduate major is MIS, and have a MS degree of the same major, and my undergraduate gpa is about 80.
        • you know, MIS itself doesn't have strong background at computer science theory and programming skills. I suggest you to take a look at websites of schools in Southern Ontario.
          • I know the MIS is not very skillful, but I had worked as unix sys programmer for 3 years.
            • that's good asset for you.
            • get a curriculum of CS courses, visit their course homepages, and take some time to read their course materials. The more you learn, the stronger you are.
      • How about the G,T score? Is it helpful? What's the average level for these scores for admission?
        • the higher the better.