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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 几天前央行行长说未来应对危机可能用负利率政策,今天财长出来说首付从5%上升到10%,还只是50万以上的部分。我怎么闻到了一股强烈的降息的味道?
    • 这明明就是财长试图为降息后的房市炒作打预防针。要玩,也得要本钱。呵呵 +1
      • 如果你看准加拿大降息,直接买空加币来钱更快。。。 +2
        • 远离短线trade, 水太深,深不可测
    • 这是房价要狂飙啊。。。CMHC又骗人,说好的油价35,房价跌呢?
      • 现在静候是否降息,油价又一次断崖式下跌,降息可能性非常大!
    • When BOC decrease the rate, bank might reduce the mortgage rate, but at the same time, tons of money will run out of Canada to US, which reduce the support for Canada real estate market. Hard to say. +1
      • Remember, the purchase power will only decrease for Canadian dollar overtime... The government will print out of this oil crisis.