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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 跨国婚姻好办吗?有哪位有这方面的经验?我指加拿大和中国之间的婚姻
    • 不懂。您老指的是人鬼通婚还是人人?或者问的是找对象、结婚过程还是申请过程?
      • 我去加拿大以后,和北京的人结婚,手续麻烦吗?
        • easy, easy, too easy.
          • how easy?
            • 1. landed; 2. go back to china to get marry; 3. come back to canada to apply sponsorship; 4, fill the forms which cpc send to you; 5, send them to bj or hk; 6, em; 7, get LP; 8, reunite with your LP
              • forget one step between 1 and 2: make the single status certificate in canada.
                • if you still keep your Hukou, you need not certify your marriage status.
    • who knows? thank u!