

What are your New Years resolutions for 2017?


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It´s that time of year again when most of us are running around getting Xmas presents and preparing for parties and family dinners. It is also the time of year where you are wondering what do change in your life for the new year.

We all make some sort of promise that "next year" we will cut something out or do something more to make our lives that little bit better. Whether it is quit smoking or do more exercise, we all make a New Years Resolution. We may make a secret promise to ourselves, but not many people actually stick by it.

This is my suggestion and I hope people will catch on to it. This year, why not make a New Years resolution to do something more for someone else rather than do something less, quit or more for yourself. It is much easier to help someone else quit a bad habbit or bring a little bit of joy to that other person. If we all did the same, we would all help each other to have a fantastic New Year!

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