


  • Does supporting a policy mean playing partisan politics?

    Below is an email I received:


    Last night my phone company, Telus, launched a campaign to support Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

    Telus took to Twitter, and told their 100,000 followers that they support jacking up taxes on Canadian families by thousands of dollars a year. And they pledged their support to the Liberal politicians pushing the tax.

    I know it’s hard to believe. Click here to see my short video about it:


    I’m a Telus customer and I'm going to cancel my contract when my phone plan runs out, or I find a company that doesn't play partisan politics. Because I’m not interested in spending $200/month to support Liberal corporate elites shoving a carbon tax down my throat.

    I called Telus’s customer support centre — that just happens to be located in Guatemala, a country without a carbon tax. Funny how Telus wants us to pay higher taxes, but they moved their jobs offshore, so they can pay Third World wages to save themselves money.

    I will cancel my Telus contract. And I told them why. You should do it too.


    • Telus apologized...