


  • Two naked women... +1

    I'm not kidding.  Check this picture carefully:


    Are you able to find the two naked women?

    If not, scroll down...









    and down...






    and watch this:



    Johannes Stötter, an incredibly talented bodypaint artist from Italy, has created a video to show us exactly how his amazing illusory body art “unfolds,” showing us the full transition from the chameleon we think we see in his art to the two painted women that actually compose the image.

    It took Stötter 4 hours to design the piece and 6 to actually paint it, with the help of an assistant. He has an incredible talent when it comes to transforming or hiding the human body. Depending on the subject, he either skillfully hides his models’ lines and curves or uses them to emphasize or supplement the forms he’s trying to create.




    • I believe this is going to fool the real chameleons, art of camouflage, amazing!
      • True. The poor small chameleons could be so scared, since this one (by two humans) is so big!
    • It's incredible. Almost mix false with genuine. I am a little bit herpetophobia and have the video paused in the midway LO L
      • LOL.
    • Scary.