


  • Dealing with Osteoporosis, the TCM way +1

    TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) focuses a lot on daily health care, e.g. what to eat more and what to avoid, according to the person's specific condition.  

    For those with osteoporosis, here are some TCM suggestions I summarized from my research:

    Things to avoid/reduce:

    - smoking
    - alcolhol
    - coffee
    - sugar

    Helpful foods

    - Tofu products
    - Bone soup with soy beans.  A slow cooker can make it easily.
    - Fresh vegetables
    - Fruit
    - other foods with calcium

    Suggested activities

    - Go outdoors and get enough sunlight
    - Mild physical exercises

    • A good summary.
    • If all of these are not enough, I would say takinge some Vitamin D3. Broccoli is a very good one to eat. I love low fat milk, some of fishes, tofu and almost all of vegetables and fruits. +1
    • Bone soup is very good for health if without too much fat. But patience is really needed for making the soup. Good to know making bone soup with soy beans since I never cooked bones with soy or soy products together. Thanks!