

Last Call


工欲善其事,必先利其器。每天听Ipod 上的pandora 和Tunein,做得各有特色。有了软件,硬件也要配套,最近武装了Audio Technica的ATH M-50,Budget耳机里我的最爱 absolute bang for the buck.感恩节Amazon BlackFriday的Deal是Ultimate TripleFi 10, 我几乎pull the trigger,不过我还是钟情closed earphone,到不是现在街上流行Beats那样的fashion earphone.:D


这个城市真是奇妙,这是一个嗜酒者的城市. 如果你喜欢Lawrence Block的书,如果你看过"When the Sacred Ginmill Closes", 你一定知道Matthew Scudder, the man & this song "Last Call", 这是一首属于这个城市的歌, 你不必是一个酒鬼去知道这首歌,因为当年红得跟国歌似的。



Last Call - Dave Van Ronk

And so we've had another night
of poetry and poses
And each man knows he'll be alone
when the sacred gin mill closes

And so we'll drink the final glass
each to his joy or sorrow
And hope the numbing drunk will last
'til opening tomorrow

And when we stumble back again
like paralytic dancers
Each knows the questions he will ask
and each man knows the answers

And so we'll drink the final drink
that cuts the brain in sections
Where answers never signify
and there aren't any questions

I broke my heart the other day
it'll mend again tomorrow
If I'd been drunk when I was born
I'd be ignorant of sorrow

And so we'll drink the final toast
that never can be spoken
Here's to the heart that is wise enough
to know when it's better off broken

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