


公司圣诞节关门11天,直接结果就是所有的Deadline都提前,每天work around the clock. 越忙越出事,这周一公司的Email突然收到一封来自猎头V的来信, 街上的一个TOP IB找人,问我感兴趣不. 说来话长,十几年前我就去过这家IB总部Captial Market 的trading floor. 也算是老相识了。replied, after a few minutes, recruiter set up interview on Wednesday. 我正好要去另一个IB客户那,都在附近,就约好10am相亲.

男人在江湖混,什么行头都可以没有, 帖身的西装却是必须的,。周三早上起床冲了个淋浴,换上西装,配上TIE, 因为面完还要去另一个客户哪,所以背上BACKPACK就出发了。 早上一路没有Traffic, 早了45分钟. 惯例找一starbucks 叫了个doppio, 一饮而尽, 感觉有点意思了。到了Lobby Security拿了temporary badge, 一个电话下去, 没几分钟,就见面试人之一J走着猫步从电梯出来。一般说来这IB的人无论男女都nose in the air, J却不然. J金发身材极其FIT, 看起来非常有教养,一问果不其然是欧洲Secondment过来的。

接触多了就知道猎头和猎头是非常不一样。V这个猎头是非常贴心,周二特意发过来面试的TIP。 不过V搞了个乌龙,把GS的面世和注意事项发了过来, 后来V的Key recruiter K还特意打电话过来,谈了一下每个面世人的特点,虽然没啥用处,但service确实没话可说

第一个面试是和S,北美的Head, S是一老手,大家一过招,就知道底细。所以很多问题都是一两句就点到为之。30分钟很快就在谈笑中过去了。

接下来的面试是J和P的联合技术面试。 P是欧洲的Head, 面试基本是P主持. P从欧洲电话拨过来, 一开口我就发现是L那地儿东区的口音, 心里不由一惊. 东区的人都是苦出身,对自己要求不高,对别人却很严。果不其然。上来第一个问题就把我干倒了,一听到问题,大脑马上瞬间短路5秒种。刷刷刷眼前闪过三种对策 -投降,顽抗,还是立马昏倒?The approach I decied to take is a mix of 投降 and 顽抗. i.e., frankly speaking, I don't have the answer, but here is my perspective, then I started to talk through a project I just did, at the end I told P that I can pick it up over a weekend if needed. 其余的问题就很通俗了。终于轮到我问问题了. 要把局面扭转过来,我决定主动出击了。放弃常问的问题,我challenge P 你们到点要找candidate with 什么样的skillset? P非常smart, 电话那边 沉默了几秒钟,然后P说我今天有点tough on you. The main reason is that you categorize most of your skillset as 5. You actually are our top candiate..

面试结束回到另一个客户那不久, V发来email telling me that the feedback from IB is positive and HR wanted to move forward with another interview with the global head. they asked my availability, prefer early morning as there is 5 hrs difference. I offered Thursday 9-9:30 and Friday 10-10:30. V said will let me know as soon as possible. However I didn't hear anything so I thought it will be Friday the earliest. beside I have to work over time to make up the interview hours. so I worked in the evening till 12am and listened to a newly bought CD till 2am. Got up at 7am Thursay moring and felt a little bit sleepy. I was very busy Thursday and suddenly got a text message from V while I was in the client meeting. V just got notice from HR that they wanted to interview me at 11am which is only about one hour away. I don't have choice but to book a conference room and that's all I can do.

11am the call came in on time, you have to believe that it is a small world. the global head R actually worked for一个属一属二的大银行, 我提了老大的名字,R说和我老大很熟, 我开玩笑说你千万不要让我老大知道我出来面试, 至少是要让我拿到offer之后。R哈哈大笑。R显然已经处于holiday mood. 于是我们聊了聊snow and skiing. 愉快地结束了"面试"

While I was on the way back to the office, V text me and Congrats me that the company made offer. The next step is to discuss the compensation etc.

有朋友真好, 今天给几个好朋友打了电话,都热心的给出主意. 结论基本是决定不去了, 明年经济会更好,到时候在冲击The best吧。

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