

Lights + Faithfully

周五下午的机场有一点空旷,背上俺的西服袋儿,匆匆忙忙又踏上了onsite 面试的旅程。

打印boarding pass的时候,屏幕显示座位未定,需要与前台确认。来到Customer Service,"恭喜,你的座位已经被升级到first class". 知道这是面试公司的trick,不过还是很感激。

一路小憩,landing的时候非常颠簸,外面风很大,还下着雨. 终于要降落了,该死的机长又播发了Journey 的Lights. When the lights go down in the city/And the sun shines on the bay/I want to be there in my city/Ooh, ooh

公司在AVIS给租了车,出了parking 很快就上了highway,打开radio, 频率set在95。7,the radio for 60, 70s oldies. The city is so beautiful in the night and I am coming back for you,my girl, faithfully

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