


昨晚睡得很沉,早上错过了Alarm,结果一睁眼已经7:30了,没时间吃早餐了,冲到面包点拿了两个Bun就上路了。到了client site还有十分种9点,9点有一个面试不能缺席,于是狼吞虎咽将BUN一扫而光。

拿起昨天打印好的candidate的简历,走进MVP的office, MVP和candidate已经聊了起来。已经和MVP商量好了,他负责behavior question,我问技术问题。

轮到我提问了,Hmmm, manager in moody's, manager in Ann Taylor, looks solid. 先deep diver 3000 inches throw a low-ball. 结果candidate没catch住。马上上浮到水面问了一个简单的walk the talk question.

Candidate is a Russian lady, 三两句话就发现推荐她过来的我认识.其实大家拼命把自己族裔的推进来,Jew/Russian 如此,Indian也如此. 模式就是一男的先进来,然后领进3-5个男的,男的先打拼出来然后滚雪球似的女的在把easy job 占上,慢慢在industry/company 就成气候了。This is so called "Together we will win"

面试结束后MVP问我的opinion, 我当然是客观地小夸了一下. MVP突然又问我" you don't want to work for me? I will hire you in a second."这已经是第三次问我了,只好吱吱呜呜搪塞过去.

希望有一天我们华裔也能占领最好的行业,最好的公司. Together we will win!


Waitin' on a sunny day
- By Bruce Springsteen

Its rainin but there aint a cloud in the sky
Must of been a tear from your eye
Everythingll be okay
Funny, thought I felt a sweet summer breeze
Must of been you sighing so deep
Dont worry were gonna find a way

Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
Gonna chase the clouds away
Waitin on a sunny day

Without you, Im workin with the rain fallin down
Im half a party in a one dog town
I need you to chase these blues away
Without you, Im a drummer girl that cant keep a beat
An ice cream truck on a deserted street
I hope that youre coming to stay

Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
Gonna chase the clouds away
Waitin on a sunny day

Hard times, baby well they come to us all
Sure as the tickin of the clock on the wall
Sure as the turnin of the night into day
Your smile girl, brings the mornin light to my eyes
Lifts away the bleus when I rise
I hope that youre coming to stay

Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
Gonna chase the clouds away
Waitin on a sunny day

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