

Friends II - given and take

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1 - 早晨吃早餐时,断断续续地在看一个Video filmed by Tony Robbins. 讲的是如何在financial crisis年代still achieve financial success.

"if someone can succeed in an area consistently, this is not due to luck." "if you want to be rich, take the rich to dinner" 听起来象是一个joke,但是in essence 就是find an expert as role model and learn the lesson and success from role model, i.e., extract a decade into a day instead of going through the trial and error painful process.

This is common cliches, 但是Tonny提到一点俺非常同意 -- you will succeed if you can add values to others. In the consulting world, it is true, in the personal life, I believe it is true too.

记得俺第一次和管俺的performance的老大会面,老大就说,"use me as a resource as possible as you can. I'd love to be your resources". 不时所有的人都愿意成为别人的resources, but if you can, you are adding values to others. (老大气质非常象russian mafia,俺们俩走在一起,公司中国同事经常开玩笑一个是黑社会老大,一个是打手,这是后话)

2 - 行走在路上,不经意间会惊喜地发现Gem,精心擦拭放入口袋继续旅行。有一天忽然发现口袋破了一个洞,Gem自己从洞中掉了出去。Gem is unique and in the life time, you are lucky if you could find one, then what should you do? you say, "shit, I made a mistake". before the hole becomes bigger, you stitches it up.

Now it is becoming darker, 夜晚要降临了,抬头看看远方的路,弯弯曲曲深入黑暗. You know you cannot dwell on the mistake and you must keep moving on. Time makes the gem and it is gem that it will shine one way or the other.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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