


时间是最大的敌人。六月开始新的工作开始,一晃3个月过去了。刚刚完成了第二个项目。原定下两个项目要去法国和意大利各去一个月,上周突然CEO空降给我们部门大老板一个2-3个月的项目,大老板很紧张,急忙从新shuffle resource allocation. 我幸福/不幸福地被抽点到项目上。这是一个Highly visible project. 7-8个business groups都非常关注最后的结果,我抽空看了一下要cover的areas, it will be a very stressful project. 我的老大已经放话了:这个周末啥也不要做,好好放松,下周要马不停蹄车轮般地interview N多人。so long 巴黎,so long 罗马,明年再会了。

公司里聪明人非常多容纳了来自世界各地顶级的人才。做第一个项目时,曾经和一个group的group manager面谈,她长的很象yahoo的新CEO Marissa Mayer,人非常sharp with sense of humor。她的办公室有游戏机,当着我们的面达游戏时就象一个孩子,后来同事告诉我她是3年前从HBS毕业的。第一个项目完了team has morale event, we went to beach for kayak, boating and wall climbing,和我分在一个组的一个girl 刚丛wharton MBA 毕业 and another girl is from another top MBA and did intern at 大摩。慢慢地发现公司每个人都有着闪亮的背景,每天和这样的一群打交道压力很大因为公司的哲学是 it will eat you up and spit you out. You have to compete with your peer all the time and the low performer will be kicked out. 但是每一天你都会从别人那里学他们的长处make yourself stronger.

所在公司的部门要接触到公司的各个方面,我所在的组更是如此,直接接触到core business and have to interact with lot of middle management every day.第一个项目做下来我们的meeting tracker记录了
共接触了80多个middle to upper management, learn the business knowledge from them, at the end of the project, I feel I am on the way to be the SME of the industry.

每天工作很忙,很多时候根本没有时间去思考更多的是执行,这时最重要的是要true to myself, 每天真实的面对自己的内心。前两天和my direct manager to discuss FY13 commitment. The company encourages employee to transfer out to other dept. within company after 2 years. Now it is the time to really think about the next step.

Motion creates motion. 现在是九月了,我的Plan B还没有kick off.周末打打网球听听音乐就过去了。忙过了到新公司的最初2-3个月,现在应该是change the gear, dust off the plan and go execute的时候了。With my current load,I still have bandwidth to stretch. 从NY的lifestyle transition 过来2-3 个月应该是足够了。这个长周末要把每天时间表定下来。

My friend, I will never forget you. My plan B, I will never forget you.

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