


  • 江湖救急, 下周就要考试了,哪位同学有PA1 past email , 能麻烦发我一份吗?谢谢了。 kate33733@gmail.com
    • 我也一直在找PA pass exam,答案是没有,只能复习module cases和assignments,还有competency study notes, good luck!
      • No further study materials for me...
        500 pages of Competency study notes + 9 sets of demonstration cases + 9 sets of self test cases + 3 prep cases + 3 assignment cases + 2 practice cases + Notes I generated...... 我现在打喷嚏也要当心点, 千万别把塞进去的喷出来! 要hold住, hold住 until......
        • 哈哈,你真幽默,一起加油,一起过关!
    • I found some old age practice exam, sent to u. don't know if it is helpful