


  • 开始找工作,发贴督促自己,记录过程。
    在现在的公司已经差不多五年,这是在加拿大的第一份工作,没想到一下呆了这么久。过去两年多基本上原地踏步,没什么长进。早就应该离开,如果欺骗自己可以说是因为很多事情耽误了,事实上也许是自己不够坚决,不够自信。前几个月忙着PART-TIME学习外加CFA考试,没抽出时间找工作。可是,离6月7号LEVEL 2考完已经差不多过了四个星期,离上一门6月12号的FINAL已经过了三个星期,新一门课也已经开始两周了,这么久的时间竞然一封简历没发,真是罪过。
    今年有几个同事走了,接下来很有可能又有同事要走,已经到了CHECK REFERENCE阶段。该轮到我了。从同事的经验来看,在同一行业类似职位换工作很容易,基本上面一个有一个。当然最容易的还是公司内部招聘,一个朋友应聘内部职位,几乎面试都免了。可是我执意想换个行业,换个职业方向。我已经厌倦这个行业,厌倦controllership。原来的同事,算是原来的SUPERVISOR到了一家更大的公司当老大,想拉我过去,我根本没有兴趣。他觉得很容易就能把我拉过去,as easy as snap,他并不知道我的想法。
    这次换工作做好长期的打算,准备花上半年到一年的时间。目标是大公司,方向是finance或financial analysis。今晚先开个头。
    • 占个沙发。树挪死人挪活。no zuo no die。两面俺都说了,等看结果。
    • 为什么想要换个行业,换个职业方向?可以分享一下你的想法吗?谢谢
      I recently switched job. Same role, different industry. In the process, I also ask myself the question: why, after excluding the normal answers such as money, manager, location, or even title.
      • 个人感觉哈,在同一个行业向上发展更容易些。
        • 当然如果极度厌倦目前行业的另当别论。
        • 不一定啊!做久了感觉快发疯!换行业势在必行!
      • 一个地方待久了不动感觉会长绿毛,有时候就是想抖落抖落那身毛
        • Haha, I just check the color of my fur. Mnnn, it turns to yellow now.
          That's also what I feel.
          Can we jump the boat when there is no obvious gain? I guess, we can. Life is too short. To have some change by itself should be a legitimate reason.
        • 也八能太经常抖,小心给抖没了。
      • Some industries are better than others because they are more profitable.
        People working in such industries can benefit from their high profitability through higher compensations and through the opportunities to work with better people attracted by the greater economic benefits and the higher esteem associated with them. Very unfortunately, I am working in a tough industry with intense competition. The result is that you are badly paid and you deal with bad people.
    • 人挪活绝对是真理。来多伦多7年,下周一要去第5个公司报到嘿嘿。
      • which industry you are in ?
      • Could you please teach us how to jump to another job?
    • 站这给你鼓掌。。。终于下决心了。呵呵。
    • 可是为啥做financial analysis 要考Cfa?还有Cfa怎么能6.7日考二级,6.12日考Final?然后又开始了一门课?呵呵,有点看晕了~~你是指金融分析而不是财务分析吧~~从财务跨行去金融领域还是有些许跨度的,
      • I was doing two different things at the same time. The CFA exam was on June 7. The exam on 12th was for another course.
        • 怎么这样牛啊?家务活,孩子谁管啊?
          • 读个书,考个试,能花多少时间?看电视那会儿,边看电视,边看书就行了,一点额外的时间也不需要。
            • 高人!仰望一下。