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  • 在文学城上经常经看到美国老土的广告,做了ACCOUNTANT近三年了,不想考CGA家里经济和时间上都不允许,想转FA, 不知有没有同志们听说过在加拿大的同志们学过
    网站上看来看去好象都是美国的例子,另外我对ACCESS,和EXCEL说不算陌生,但是不会用VB。 看一下他的课程有很多是基本的同容,如果再花几千大羊学,有点心痛,现在做FA的同志能不能给点建议,
    我在CENTENCIAL COLLEAGUE读了一个三年的ACCOUNTING 专业,如果想转行,该在哪方面加加油,谢谢
    • 文学城职坛老土同学和我并列版主多年了,负面反响不多,课程应该不错吧。不过,你说的FA是corporate financial analyst? VB基本用不上,Access用处都不大,加拿大雇主还是要求CMA CGA为主。如果你实在不想学CGA,
      努力方向应该是communication & presentation,技术还在其次。
      • 9494。如果你对excel advanced function很熟的话,不用那些课。除非是专门做model和system的FA。现在经济情况不太好,想转型,又不想考试可能不太容易。一个工作出来,收到二、三百份简历,其实80%-90%都有A。 +1
      • 如果是DATABASE ANALYST 是不是好转一些呢,现在一堆朋友里真得没有A的就剩我一个了,都说骑驴找马,但是现在这份工作真得是做的痛苦之极。
        • Last Jan. I met a lady who took Laotu's BI course, she did get a full time job as a developer in Missisauga. She had double E Phd degree in China, maybe her double E background helps to pick up BI course in a short term.
          If you are really interested in IT, maybe Laotu's course is a short cut. If you just want to be a corporate FA, I agree with 醉里吴音 & wozaiqta.
        • 没办法,现在的市场就是这样。有了A跳槽都不一定顺利,更何况没有A。尤其是现在经济不好的情况下。
        • 如果你现在的工作痛苦的话。你确定做data analysis就会好些嘛?
        • 多个技能多条路。
          • How about you? did you take Laotu's course or not?
            • Not yet. It's better to find a group to study together and share the cost.
              • Do you live close to Don Mills/Steels?
                Have you researched lynda.com? I'm forming a 5-person group to consider BI/SQL I.T direction as an alternative career direction for the Sr. FA. If you are interested in becoming one of the group, please let me know. Thanks.
                • Close enough
                • How does lynda.com compare to Laotu?
                  • probably price advantage
                • please check PM +1
    • did you finally take his course or not?