


  • Accounting Question - Pls help me out!
    Accounting Question: I started a small business last August, and my husband travelled to China twice since then to help me out with the business there while he's on EI. Could someone pls tell me that if I can claim his expenses when I do the company tax return? Thanks in advance!
    • 就事论事啊. 如果他是你的员工因公出差, 费用当然可以报, 如果不是事实, 你自己应该是清楚能不能报的.
      • 是啊,如果是员工,出差期间的EI是不应该从政府拿的。
        • 你说的没错。但是拿EI期间有出国不是需要报告政府的吗
    • 他不可以claim expense 在EI期。回答问题有'do u have any incomr that government does not know'?. If you claim, it means he will have cost for sonething, cost will be paid by you. Hopefully it helps.