


  • PA1 & PA2全部通过啦!
    • niu ren!
    • GXGX, 问一下,challenge exam就只给65分么?不管final考了多少分?
    • 两门一次一起过的么?全职上班?我也需要有两门一起过,否则明年9月份以前不能学完了。诚心请教,哪两门一起学啊。 还有以下FN2 /AU1/PA1/PA2/TAX2。 多谢了先
      • 借吉祥贴问个问题。前段时间有前辈介绍了一个链接,可以看pace 前的一些课程的summary notes, called course refresher, i could not find it anymore. could anybody help me put link here if you knew it? many thanks.
        • Here you go, the PAP refresher link:
          • Thank you so much. Have a wonderful long weekend.
    • 过了!...啦啦啦
    • 恭喜恭喜!也沾沾喜气!请问两门同时学咋安排的时间啊?全职工作么?要照顾孩子么?如果只学一门PA课程,先学哪门比较好?多谢!
    • 终于过了.....:) 啦啦啦....啦啦啦....
    • Same here. Pass PA1 and PA2! A big release to me and my families. I did not finish PA2's last case analysis, and felt that PA1 is easier than PA2 this time. Time management is the KEY! I can focus on my PERC now and get my CGA designation soon.
    • PA2竟然过了。。。
      • 都是大牛啊,请问pass rate 多少啊。
        • Passing rate is not published yet.
          I'm anything but a "Da Niu". Started preparing for a supplementary the week after the PA exam as I thought I must have failed. Only did one-third of the final case and in a very disorganized format. I couldn't be more happier when I saw a "P".
          • 这个确实笑不动啦。
          • I believe this has happened to many students. If you wrote the exams for PA1 and PA2 together this session, you will feel that PA1 is such a breeze... whereas PA2 is a real challenge
            I doubt there would be many students who finished writing the last case, not only was it complicated, but very long and time-consuming... Congrats!
    • 矮马,我的2门终于也都过了,再不过都不好意思在这混了。
      • 过的同学愿意分享一下学习心得吗?除了case,你们还看啥?
        • Spend your time wisely by focusing on the case study, try to improve your writing skills and while you practice writing the cases you will need to pick up lot of study points along the way.... that will be it all you need!
          You will NOT have time to read all the materials and try to go back to all the subjects that you feel like you are not ready yet, that's totally fine...
          • thank you!
    • 恭贺这些考过的前辈们! 你们真是牛! 请问你们是否花了好多时间学习CGA发的 CGA Competency Study Notes 吗? 这个notes 帮助大吗? 感觉能够空出来学习的时间太少了. 谢谢.