


  • Job posting: Cashier and Data Entry clerk.
    Cashier and Data Entry clerk. Using software to print invoice and collect money for a fruit and vegetable wholesale company. Company's name: Italian Produce Co.. Ask Andy/Dorora for details.
    Please do not PM me due to I am not currently working for this company and just post the hiring news here after I saw it on the bullet board. It might be a good start for college student. Location is 165 the Queensway, Toronto. It would be better to have a car due candidate might need to work on a very early schedule. Good luck.
    • 这工作要是在scarborough, or north york 该多好啊。离我有点远呢。替大家谢谢好心人!
      • 确实太远,google了一下,离我家50公里,不过还是感谢这位朋友的好意。