


  • 请教大家一个新移民申请GST/HST credit , child tax benefit 的问题? +2
    新移民夫妇,2014年11月20号登陆的,一个小孩7岁。2014年1月到登陆前,在中国期间家庭收入有相当于20万加币。登陆后,在加拿大和中国得收入都是$0。想他们这种情况,还能申请到GST/HST credit 和 child tax benefit吗?谢谢
    • Since their landing date is Nov 2014,
      their GST/HST credit and CTB would be based on their 2013 whole year income. If their 2013 income is similar to 2014 income, I don't think they can get any GST credit or CTB. But if the child is under 6 years old, they can get $1,920/year Universal Child Care Benefit. For child aged between 7 & 17, they can get $720/year for UCCB. Hope this is helpful.
    • Sorry, some correction. The amount of $1,920 and $720 are only effective from Jan 2015. Before Jan 2015, only child under $6 years old could receive $1,200 and no UCCB for child over 6 years.