


  • To CGA finalists: 昨天收到CPA Ontario的邮件,要求交annual student fee of $600,之前CGA Ontario没有要求收,现在突然要收费。我现在就等挣足工作经验,不用他们的service,有人知道如何投诉吗?
    • 不知道你要投诉什么,作为一名CGA student? 年费是一直有的阿,$600比我以前交的还要少些。CPAO sent you the mail on behalf of CGAO, because of the merging.
      • CGA Ontario did not charge me student fee in 2015.
    • ... +1
      You know they already waived our student fees for 2015 since they merged.
      • Sorry I don't know. As I know they charge their students/members annual fees since year 1
      • Do you mean that they waived student fee for all students including those who take courses in 2015?
        • Just for those who finished all CGA course but have yet met the experience or degree requirement. +1
          • I have met all requirements to be a CGA/CPA. I am asked to pay annual fee $600.
      • I'm pretty sure you're mistaken, as I paid Y'15/16 annual fee in Fall 2015; Meanwhile I had only 1 course leftover. If you have missed/or being neglected to pay the fee, I think the Association would chase for it after.
        • Correction: it's the fee for Y'14/15. I'm a member since the middle of Y'15.
        • This posting is to CGA Finalists who have passed all courses under CGA program and need to meet work experience requirements only. It's not for the students who are still taking courses.
          • Thank you! I am same with you. just working on the PERC. We didn't get charged for 2015 student fee. I have no problem paying the $600+HST.
          • 据我所知,在CGA program里,就算你当年什么课都不上,也必须缴费。所以根本不存在不交钱的时候。最好的办法就是直接给他们打电话问。
          • you're still a student, before your status finally is changed to membership.