


  • Monthly Allowance - T4, T4, or T2200???
    我每个月都给regionalofficers 发800 的allowance,也叫allocation, 他们本身是政府员工,在政府拿工资。可是如果他们到我公司来工作的时间政府是不给他们发工资的。由我公司发。
    有关因为我公司发生的travelexpense 是我公司付的。以前他们在我公司得到的每月800 的allowance 被我前任直接放到expense之后,就没有进一步的处理了。


    • "有关因为我公司发生的travel expense 是我公司付的,"那为啥"应该给他们出一张T200,把他们claim过的meleige也给他们算出来"? 这800你出的啥?T4?I don't understand.
      • because the company paid all their travel expense,
        they also receive $800 monthly allowance due to they have to do some work at home.
        I feel I should provide T2200 for them to fill their tax return. The T2200 should include $800*12month allowance, but I am not sure about mileage they have already claimed. They can use this from to deduct some home office expense, such as utilities, home insurance, house rental, etc.
      • my main concern is how to deal with $800 * 12months allocation which they received already.
      • the T4 is not properly because they are not employees of my company, they are elected officers who serve as regional representatives. the $800 was called director fee many year ago.
      • any feedback? please. +1
        • 不是employee难道就可以出T2200? 建议去 CRA网站上看看什么情况下可以用T2200.
          个人之见: 在我看来对于employer来说出什么表都是decutible expense,没有区别吧。区别只在于T2200对employee有好处。既然没人跟你们公司complain就还是出T4好了。在完全搞懂这个区别前,不要擅自改动公司原来的做法。
          • there was no any action in the past. There was lots of issue in the past. I may not issue T2200 until they request. what do you think?
    • T4A
      • Is there any problem if I not issue T4A?
        • Please check RC4157
    • Thank you very much everyone. It should be T4A.