


  • KPMG Senior accountant-audit有人了解吗?自己不是做audit的没进过firm在industry摸爬滚打了5,6年和auditor多少打过不少交道,有CGA。linkedin上看到这个职位不是很确定有没有这个必要去四大镀个金。多谢。
    • Lots of staying-up late in the busy season; lots of stress; looking good on the resume build-up; sacrifice family time now for future career advancement and monetary compensation. 1) If you were a mother of young kids,
      I would strongly suggest you stay away from Big 4. Personally I don't think it is worth the sacrifice.
      2) If you were a woman who love to stay fit and pretty, I also suggest you stay away from Big 4. Aging is accelerated there:)
      3) If you were a father and never mind how you look like, go for it, and make good money for your family. Just resist the temptations out there when you do not spend quality time with your spouse.
      • Thank you so much for the insights,
        not much work-life balance for sure. Already expected that when it comes to the big 4, but it was great to have you confirming this is the norm. Money is not the most attracting factor. Sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone who is early in the career or needs to build something in the resume for future. Thanks again for your response, truly appreciated.
        • You are welcome, Lemon! All the best!
    • 会计在industry是SG&A,在firm是direct labour。压力是有很大区别的。
      • 同意一边是overhead能省就省了,一边是僧多粥少。看来要往reporting方面走了