

中国网络曾经有天下最毒后母,天下最无耻老板,天下最牛。。。网络最大好处就是 可以先罪名,用唾沫星子把人淹死,而最后不要负责任。

Just a few minutes ago, I deleted some postings. The reason is people are questioning how ROLIA is run. This is absolutely not acceptable as long as I am a moderator here.

At the very beginning, people maybe do not have any ill-ideas. According to my experiences, this kind of topic can quickly evolve into rumors and lies.

We had a bad lesson here. CarelessWhisper has ever made significant contributions to our forum. He recommended some Chinese concept stocks after the bear market began. Some of us, including myself, expressed our objection to his recommendations. However, things went out of control quickly.Some guys distributed bad words about him... and he chose not to visit any more. His departure is a big loss in this forum. But I have one question: Did anybody comdemn those guys who discredit CarelessWhisper?
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