


  • 交易箴言
    The final phase in a bull move is an accelerated runaway near the top. In this phase, the market always makes you believe that you have underestimated the potential bull market. The temptation to continue pyramiding your position is strong as profits have now swelled to the point that you believe your account can stand any setback. It is imperative at this juncture to take profits on your pyramids and reduce the position back to base levels. The base position is then liquidated when it becomes apparent that the move has ended.
    • 2. When the ship starts to sink, don’t pray—jump! 一旦船开始下沉,不要祈祷——跳船!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛3.
      Life never happens in a straight line. Any adult knows this. But we can too easily be hypnotized into forgetting it when contemplating a chart. Beware of the chartist’s illusion

      Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.

      Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.

      Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Don’t torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it won’t continue long. If it does console yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gains you would otherwise have lost.
      除了在不同寻常的情况里,养成早些兑现你的盈利的习惯。不要折磨你自己即使你出来之后那笔交易还在赢钱。非常可能的是这不会延续很长。即使这种情况继续下去,想一想所有由于你提前平仓而避免了失去既得盈利的场合。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Pretty good, thanks for sharing!