

Treasury系列之 - Career Advancement in Treasury

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛很喜欢Treasury, 所以打算继续在Treasury这个领域发展, at least for the next 5-6 years。 前段时间注册了CTP的考试,CTP (Certified Treasury Professional)
designation在近几年已经成为了想在Treasury领域发展的人必考的一个证书。下面就给大家简单的介绍一下CTP designation。

What is CTP:

CTP是针对Treasury领域的一个证书。The CTP exam is designed to test mastery of knowledge and skills required by treasury professionals to execute critical
functions related to corporate liquidity, capital and risk management, such as:
- Maintain corporate liquidity required to meet current and future obligations in a timely and cost effective manner.
- Manage optimal cash positioning through forecasting and short-term investing and borrowing activities.
- Employ working capital strategies and tools to efficiently manage current assets and liabilities.
- Utilize various types of payment systems and Internet technologies to transfer monetary value and business documents between parties.
- Monitor and control corporate exposure to financial and operational risks.
- Optimize capital structure, manage costs of long-term capital and quantitatively evaluate capital resource investments.
- Manage cross-border funds movement and utilize international trade financing methods.
- Coordinate financial functions and sharing of financial information with other internal departments.
- Delineate appropriate ethical behaviors expected in business activities.
- Recognize corporate governance issues that arise from the separation of corporate ownership and control.
- Execute fiduciary responsibilities related to employee retirement funds.
- Build cost effective relationships with financial services providers.

Why CTP:

近几年,很多北美公司招聘Treasury相关职位都要求应聘者有CTP designation。
- Job postings citing CTP designation as a required or preferred qualification steadily increase year over year on global job boards.
- CTP holders represent about 75% of the Fortune 500 corporations.

How to advance and succeed in treasury career:


如何才能在这行succeed?想要Move up the corporate ladder 要必备哪些条件,qualifications, 和skill sets呢?以下是偶总结出来的几条。

1) effective communication, including networking: 对于做treasury这一行,拥有good and effective communication and interpersonal skills 是很重要的。
还有就是networking. Networking 可以done both at work and through active participation in professional associations and via professional online networks
(eg, AFP member discussion group / e-mail forum)

2) not afraid to learn new things / skills: this could mean expanding responsibilities or leading complex projects that result in learning new skills. 只有在不

3) “don't play faster than you can think”:做事一定要量力而行。Before you take on more responsibilities, ensure you can handle them effectively.
如果handle不了的,就别逞能, 否则只会damage a person's professional reputation. 偶以前就在这条上没把握好,结果吃了大亏。

4) utilize previous experience in various areas / fields: 很多北美公司的treasury executive都不是做treasury出身的,they have many origins, such as
tax, accounting, audit, compliance, insurance and marketing. 偶在做Treasury之前的五六年里基本上把corporate finance 的几个functions 都做了一遍,internal/
external reporting; financial analysis; budget / forecast / strat plan; tax; treasury; financial system implementation, etc. 这些宝贵的经验为偶现

5) qualities and skills development: certain qualities and skills that treasury professionals should actively develop including strong communication skills
(as discussed in 1) above), the ability to embrace change and view challenges as opportunities, strong ethics, personal accountability, and the ability
to go beyond conventional thinking.

个人认为,不管从事哪个行业,要想成功很重要的一点是要喜欢这一行。You have to truly enjoy your job to be successful.
Steve Jobs, president and CEO of Apple 曾经说过这么一段话,很受启发,“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is
living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly,
have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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