


  • 老人家来探亲,想看中文电视,有没有好的推荐,听说麒麟电视推荐人推荐有30元回赠,是吗?
    • 现在应该还有吧,我可以推荐,有意的话pm我你的信息
      Take advantage of this program now! It only takes a few simple steps:

      1. To obtain a FAF code, please login to "My Account" on www.kylintv.com/kylintv and click on "Add Referral". After entering your friend or family's name, e-mail address and phone number, you will receive a 12 digits FAF code for your friend or family.
      2. A $30.00 credit will apply to both yours and your friend or family's account once he completed his order using the FAF code provided by you.
    • I order this Chinese TV two months ago, but my parents will leave soon. If you want we can talk. send me your contact infor. Thanks.
    • 家里网速好的话去大陆买台海美迪HD560,可以看N多中文电视,我刚网购一台,800人民币左右
      • 请问fengzhixiajack(AK47),除了买这个播放器以外还要买其他配件吗?另外要收月费吗?要网速多快才能流畅的看电视呢?对不起,我对音像器材不懂,所以有这么多问题。如果不要收月费,打算叫LG带台回来。谢谢。
        • 我也有兴趣,可否多介绍些信息?
        • 当然,没有月费了。就像一台简单pc,把网络上的节目放到电视上。有youtube,cctv,等常见视频网站链接。对于老人方便,可以用遥控器播放。我在关注海美迪hd600a,刚出的,性价比比较好。
      • 买POB mediaplayer,然后刷故件就能看