


  • 秒杀TTC,JM Plumber $8500-$13000/mth after tax(take home)!
    Alberta 油田工作,要有JM plumber ticket.Camp room and meal provided.$43/h+10% vacation pay+$6.5/h pension+benifits =$57/h.Lots OT and 2X pay.保证成为member,50 years work.收介绍费!Go kucky99@gmail.com,no resume needed!
    • 去bird不拉poo的油田工作,收入再高,也秒杀不了TTC...
      • I heard if you are willing to work in the North Pole as an electrician, you can make 200K after tax easily...
        • Your heard must wrong!Know how much they pay for an electrician working at afghan?$75k a year only!
          • Where is afghan? Is it close to the North Pole?
    • 既然收介绍费,就不应该算是职位情报,而是中介广告了。