


  • Anyone want buy ticket together ? leave at July 12 and back on Aug 5 or 6? We can get group price 10% off : 1550 x 0.9= 1395.00 .
    • 不是这么算的。团票是航空公司打包出来的价格。
      • How about leave on July 21 from toronto to Beijing, and come back from shanghai Aug.19 or Aug.26? 请问冷多多, How much will it be? Thanks.
        • I might buy same tickets as you please let me know if you have good deal. thanks.
      • Can you tell us what the price will be? Thank you!
      • 请问冷多多,加航7月12日去上海,8月13日回,1550元,等等还能再便宜吗?请告诉你的电话或联系方式。万分感谢!
        • thanks
      • These two dates and flight routes are fine with me, I will need two tickets. So if you can get a group discount, count me in.
    • I am interested. let me know if you have details
      • Pmed