


  • What's the price for round trip from Toronto to Shanghai leaving date Aug.17, and returning date Sept. 8 or Sept. 9? Thank you, Duo Duo or Qianhe.
    • 1405
      • is $1405 direct flight by Air Canada?
        • 我是说前后大概日期最低的价格。并不一定是你指定的那天。
          • Thanks, is it a non-stop flight?
            • 同问。
            • 直飞
              • Thank you, could you PM your phone number so I can call you tomorrow. I need at least 2kids +1 adult for that time period.
              • For that price (around $1400), does it include everything? what is the time period available? thanks so much!
          • if I'd like to have one return ticket from Toronto to Beijing, departure at any day in Aug, but be sure to be back at exact Sep 3 by Air canada, how much is it? thanks
            • 1750以上