


  • 从北京来多伦多,around 7月15来多伦多 no laterthan 8月25回北京, 往返机票,大概多少钱?an adult and Child under 13 years old. Thanks!
    • Ding!
    • 时间往前几天有$1550的.
      • Could not be earlier than July 10th. Can it fit in the period for $1550? What is the ticket price for kids younger than 13 years old? And what is the airline company? Thanks a lot!
        • 请问你说的13岁以下是12岁还是2岁? 因为12周岁已经是成人票价了。而2岁--11岁还可以享受儿童折扣。
          • Got you. He is older than 12 and should pay adult price. How about the other questions? Thank you!
            • 可以满足他的时间,这是海南航空的价格。