


  • 这是一个很好的8挂,说说这里的音乐黑幕
    • 先说说我后知后觉喜爱的歌手GAROU,小手帕最早介绍他,巴黎生母院里的卡西没多。 周末无聊,又去听,然后翻了他的老歌出来,才发现是个AMAZING歌手
      • 这是他的几首歌
        • under the wind
          • 很帅啊,我喜欢的样子
            • 是啊,觉得挺男子气的:)再软的歌都唱不衰的
              • 很招人疼的样子~这样说会不会太色了?
                • 他是LADYS MAN,千万不能去疼:P 不过魁省有的男孩子真就是这味道,挺男子气的, 特别再说带点口音的英文:) 给你这个迷死人的录像,我不是很喜欢这首歌,但前 年很红
                  • %$#^&&^*)_)*^$
                    • :P 他在这里面想做吉普赛人,觉得挺浪漫的:)
        • i am your angel
        • 小手帕贴过得BELLE
      • 8挂是这样的。他前年很红,然后我家同学看我这么FAN他,加了一句,他现在不怎么 样了,好久法语电台都没他的歌了。然后,我也跑去找他的TOUR,粉丝嘛,觉得大 不了过河去看LIVE,然后发现今年一个TOUR都没有。8挂刚才挖了出来,有点长,不 过很有意思
        • 歌很好听,8挂俺就不看了哈,一般俺都是对事不对人。:P
          • 那是因为你不FAN他:)。我找不到他的TOUR SCHEDULE,找出这个8挂来的。具体说他的CAREER暂时被CELIN的 老公毁了
            • 俺谁都不fan。怎么,是老赛的LG吃醋了?他的歌是很好听,明天去图书馆借几张CD来听听。:-)
              • 知道你不FAN谁的:) 不是的。我也不知道为什么,那8挂比较职业,没有说,不过, 我看过他们俩03年在LASVEGAS时唱的歌,其实能看出不和来的,当时我以为是因为 CELIN假唱的远古,给你贴这里
              • 对了,我觉得他唱的最好的歌是这首,好难找到一个同好,赶快全搬出来:) 看了这 首歌,反正我就FAN他了,而且一定要去看LIVE:)
                • 听得懂吗?
                  • 词在这,第一次准备去学法语了
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Goodbye
                    Comes with the wet trees of September
                    Shading the sun of sacred past
                    Comes with the words so sweet, so tender
                    That I so hoped your lips would cast
                    And by the will of hollow lane
                    And by the dance of candle burning
                    Goodbye will come in shape of pain
                    Or passion of two bodies longing

                    Is an enormous effort taken
                    By those who had to suffer angst
                    Reflections of your body dancing
                    Swim in the mirrors of my eyes
                    Goodbye is one epistle written
                    That I will keep inside my heart
                    Illusion of a couple smitten
                    That fades away as the two part

                    The only truth in front of Lord
                    All what left now is word to state
                    For two of those who had been told
                    That it has been their only fate
                    You shouldn't cast away your eyes
                    In front of vibrant chimneys' reds
                    We've known many vivid fires
                    That swept with lust over our heads

                    It is us two who take departure
                    On holy river of the passed times
                    I don't know whom you will next capture
                    And you've no clue whom my arms clasp
                    But we will take away the envy
                    And hurtful words that make it hard
                    We've chose it to be our way
                    And it is time for us to part

                    It is the sob that comes from oldtimes
                    With cannons at the Waterloo
                    Whose booming says that love of ours
                    In'vitably to water flew
                    The boat submerged so deep in angst
                    That carried inside it us,
                    The passengers with sobbing past
                    And I know two who's drowned thus

                    Comes with the wet trees of September
                    Shading the sun of sacred past
                    Comes with the words so sweet, so tender
                    That I so hoped your lips would cast
                    And by the will of hollow lane
                    And by the dance of candle burning
                    Goodbye will come in shape of pain
                    Or passion of two bodies longing

                    It is the white wolf of the hill
                    It is the hunters of the field
                    The sun that follows us upon its will
                    The moon that weeps from pain and guilt
                    Goodbye resembles water tides
                    That will eventually advance
                    And bury bridegrooms with their brides
                    And bury furure with the past
                    Oh goodbye
                    Oh goodbye

                    Goodbye!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 我听说法语学一句就够了,多年以前我还会那句来着,一直没机会用,忘光了
                      • 法语只能听懂点点,但说不出来。只是听说他的好些歌,词都非常好,翻成英语后丢 了味,所以我想学到能够知其味就行了:)
                • 好听,谢谢。几年前俺也是因为喜欢法语歌去学了几天法语的。
                  • 你要在这就好了,我把他的LIVE CONCERT都收齐了,有一个同样喜欢的JM一起看多好 啊:)