


  • 请教一下水友:听说读本科在加拿大可以贷款,有一部份钱不用还。 是多大比例? 有啥前提条件呢? 多谢
    • 有;osap。。。前提是得穷的叮当响 (连上网的钱都没有)。你已经disqualified。
      • 我是考虑小孩将来自己贷款,18岁的小孩就靠假期打工,肯定是穷人了。 我看到有人说读本科一分钱也没花父母的。这教育基金代理人是我的心头恨啊, 我很想把它-教育基金除根了。理智上还要衡量一下。
        • in ontario, they count parents' income as well, at least for the first couple years, so, forget it, unless your kids want to wait
    • The tuition loan forgiveness is designed for the pooooorest people... Like all social assistance programs, there are very few loopholes (except for those "creative" people).
      Your kids will not be (and you won't hope them to be) among the poorest if they get a job after graduation.
      • 谢谢楼上的3位水友。