


  • 我注意到身边的国人比较喜欢说"right?", "right?". 基本上是从"是吧", "对吧"转过去的. 本地人似乎不这么说. 但我想不出他们怎么说的.
    • oh, yah?
      • 这个偶尔会用.
    • XB见过的本地人太少。
    • A?
    • 本地人有时会说"r u with me?" "am I clear?" "r u following me?" 比较正式了一点. 偶自己尽量避免说"right?". 觉得不够地道. 有个东欧人比较喜欢说"yes?".
    • eh? 【ai-e】 加拿大人最喜欢,记得70s里面专门有一集说的这个。
      • 恩!nice eh?!
      • yes
    • ya? yeah?
    • 本地人可以很流利而正确地回答"Yes" or "No"。。。。。中文里,反问句的回答是不一样的。"Right"是个很好的折衷。
      • um.. 不过我说的不是怎么回答, 是自己说话中间插入"right?"问句征求对方肯定. 经常也不等对方回答就接着说下去了. like this: "blah, blah, blah, right? blah, blah, blah, right? blah, blah, blah..."
    • People who has to say "you know what I mean?" or "right?" with a rising tone all the time.......are the people
      who are insecured or under-educated, and secretly looking for approval all the time.

      • u r so brutal :)
        • :-) , Same as magazine like <comsmopolitan>. the headlines on the cover is all about encouraging women's insecurity too. eg. "how to dress sexy", "how to get a man in 10 days". "how to lose 20lbs in 4 weeks". blah, blah. :-))